.. py:module:: PIL.ImageStat .. py:currentmodule:: PIL.ImageStat :py:mod:`ImageStat` Module ========================== The :py:mod:`ImageStat` module calculates global statistics for an image, or for a region of an image. .. py:class:: PIL.ImageStat.Stat(image_or_list, mask=None) Calculate statistics for the given image. If a mask is included, only the regions covered by that mask are included in the statistics. You can also pass in a previously calculated histogram. :param image: A PIL image, or a precalculated histogram. :param mask: An optional mask. .. py:attribute:: extrema Min/max values for each band in the image. .. py:attribute:: count Total number of pixels for each band in the image. .. py:attribute:: sum Sum of all pixels for each band in the image. .. py:attribute:: sum2 Squared sum of all pixels for each band in the image. .. py:attribute:: mean Average (arithmetic mean) pixel level for each band in the image. .. py:attribute:: median Median pixel level for each band in the image. .. py:attribute:: rms RMS (root-mean-square) for each band in the image. .. py:attribute:: var Variance for each band in the image. .. py:attribute:: stddev Standard deviation for each band in the image.