PIL.TiffTags 源代码

# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# TIFF tags
# This module provides clear-text names for various well-known
# TIFF tags.  the TIFF codec works just fine without it.
# Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1999.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.

# This module provides constants and clear-text names for various
# well-known TIFF tags.

from collections import namedtuple

[文档]class TagInfo(namedtuple("_TagInfo", "value name type length enum")): __slots__ = [] def __new__(cls, value=None, name="unknown", type=None, length=0, enum=None): return super(TagInfo, cls).__new__( cls, value, name, type, length, enum or {})
[文档] def cvt_enum(self, value): return self.enum.get(value, value)
[文档]def lookup(tag): """ :param tag: Integer tag number :returns: Taginfo namedtuple, From the TAGS_V2 info if possible, otherwise just populating the value and name from TAGS. If the tag is not recognized, "unknown" is returned for the name """ return TAGS_V2.get(tag, TagInfo(tag, TAGS.get(tag, 'unknown')))
## # Map tag numbers to tag info. # # id: (Name, Type, Length, enum_values) # ASCII = 2 SHORT = 3 LONG = 4 RATIONAL = 5 TAGS_V2 = { 254: ("NewSubfileType", LONG, 1), 255: ("SubfileType", SHORT, 1), 256: ("ImageWidth", LONG, 1), 257: ("ImageLength", LONG, 1), 258: ("BitsPerSample", SHORT, 0), 259: ("Compression", SHORT, 1, {"Uncompressed": 1, "CCITT 1d": 2, "Group 3 Fax": 3, "Group 4 Fax": 4, "LZW": 5, "JPEG": 6, "PackBits": 32773}), 262: ("PhotometricInterpretation", SHORT, 1, {"WhiteIsZero": 0, "BlackIsZero": 1, "RGB": 2, "RBG Palette": 3, "Transparency Mask": 4, "CMYK": 5, "YCbCr": 6, "CieLAB": 8, "CFA": 32803, # TIFF/EP, Adobe DNG "LinearRaw": 32892}), # Adobe DNG 263: ("Threshholding", SHORT, 1), 264: ("CellWidth", SHORT, 1), 265: ("CellLength", SHORT, 1), 266: ("FillOrder", SHORT, 1), 269: ("DocumentName", ASCII, 1), 270: ("ImageDescription", ASCII, 1), 271: ("Make", ASCII, 1), 272: ("Model", ASCII, 1), 273: ("StripOffsets", LONG, 0), 274: ("Orientation", SHORT, 1), 277: ("SamplesPerPixel", SHORT, 1), 278: ("RowsPerStrip", LONG, 1), 279: ("StripByteCounts", LONG, 0), 280: ("MinSampleValue", LONG, 0), 281: ("MaxSampleValue", SHORT, 0), 282: ("XResolution", RATIONAL, 1), 283: ("YResolution", RATIONAL, 1), 284: ("PlanarConfiguration", SHORT, 1, {"Contigous": 1, "Separate": 2}), 285: ("PageName", ASCII, 1), 286: ("XPosition", RATIONAL, 1), 287: ("YPosition", RATIONAL, 1), 288: ("FreeOffsets", LONG, 1), 289: ("FreeByteCounts", LONG, 1), 290: ("GrayResponseUnit", SHORT, 1), 291: ("GrayResponseCurve", SHORT, 0), 292: ("T4Options", LONG, 1), 293: ("T6Options", LONG, 1), 296: ("ResolutionUnit", SHORT, 1, {"inch": 1, "cm": 2}), 297: ("PageNumber", SHORT, 2), 301: ("TransferFunction", SHORT, 0), 305: ("Software", ASCII, 1), 306: ("DateTime", ASCII, 1), 315: ("Artist", ASCII, 1), 316: ("HostComputer", ASCII, 1), 317: ("Predictor", SHORT, 1), 318: ("WhitePoint", RATIONAL, 2), 319: ("PrimaryChromaticities", SHORT, 6), 320: ("ColorMap", SHORT, 0), 321: ("HalftoneHints", SHORT, 2), 322: ("TileWidth", LONG, 1), 323: ("TileLength", LONG, 1), 324: ("TileOffsets", LONG, 0), 325: ("TileByteCounts", LONG, 0), 332: ("InkSet", SHORT, 1), 333: ("InkNames", ASCII, 1), 334: ("NumberOfInks", SHORT, 1), 336: ("DotRange", SHORT, 0), 337: ("TargetPrinter", ASCII, 1), 338: ("ExtraSamples", SHORT, 0), 339: ("SampleFormat", SHORT, 0), 340: ("SMinSampleValue", 12, 0), 341: ("SMaxSampleValue", 12, 0), 342: ("TransferRange", SHORT, 6), # obsolete JPEG tags 512: ("JPEGProc", SHORT, 1), 513: ("JPEGInterchangeFormat", LONG, 1), 514: ("JPEGInterchangeFormatLength", LONG, 1), 515: ("JPEGRestartInterval", SHORT, 1), 517: ("JPEGLosslessPredictors", SHORT, 0), 518: ("JPEGPointTransforms", SHORT, 0), 519: ("JPEGQTables", LONG, 0), 520: ("JPEGDCTables", LONG, 0), 521: ("JPEGACTables", LONG, 0), 529: ("YCbCrCoefficients", RATIONAL, 3), 530: ("YCbCrSubSampling", SHORT, 2), 531: ("YCbCrPositioning", SHORT, 1), 532: ("ReferenceBlackWhite", LONG, 0), 33432: ("Copyright", ASCII, 1), # FIXME add more tags here 34665: ("ExifIFD", SHORT, 1), 34675: ('ICCProfile', 7, 0), 34853: ('GPSInfoIFD', 1, 1), # MPInfo 45056: ("MPFVersion", 7, 1), 45057: ("NumberOfImages", LONG, 1), 45058: ("MPEntry", 7, 1), 45059: ("ImageUIDList", 7, 0), 45060: ("TotalFrames", LONG, 1), 45313: ("MPIndividualNum", LONG, 1), 45569: ("PanOrientation", LONG, 1), 45570: ("PanOverlap_H", RATIONAL, 1), 45571: ("PanOverlap_V", RATIONAL, 1), 45572: ("BaseViewpointNum", LONG, 1), 45573: ("ConvergenceAngle", 10, 1), 45574: ("BaselineLength", RATIONAL, 1), 45575: ("VerticalDivergence", 10, 1), 45576: ("AxisDistance_X", 10, 1), 45577: ("AxisDistance_Y", 10, 1), 45578: ("AxisDistance_Z", 10, 1), 45579: ("YawAngle", 10, 1), 45580: ("PitchAngle", 10, 1), 45581: ("RollAngle", 10, 1), 50741: ("MakerNoteSafety", SHORT, 1, {"Unsafe": 0, "Safe": 1}), 50780: ("BestQualityScale", RATIONAL, 1), 50838: ("ImageJMetaDataByteCounts", LONG, 1), 50839: ("ImageJMetaData", 7, 1) } # Legacy Tags structure # these tags aren't included above, but were in the previous versions TAGS = {347: 'JPEGTables', 700: 'XMP', # Additional Exif Info 33434: 'ExposureTime', 33437: 'FNumber', 33723: 'IptcNaaInfo', 34377: 'PhotoshopInfo', 34850: 'ExposureProgram', 34852: 'SpectralSensitivity', 34855: 'ISOSpeedRatings', 34856: 'OECF', 34864: 'SensitivityType', 34865: 'StandardOutputSensitivity', 34866: 'RecommendedExposureIndex', 34867: 'ISOSpeed', 34868: 'ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy', 34869: 'ISOSpeedLatitudezzz', 36864: 'ExifVersion', 36867: 'DateTimeOriginal', 36868: 'DateTImeDigitized', 37121: 'ComponentsConfiguration', 37122: 'CompressedBitsPerPixel', 37377: 'ShutterSpeedValue', 37378: 'ApertureValue', 37379: 'BrightnessValue', 37380: 'ExposureBiasValue', 37381: 'MaxApertureValue', 37382: 'SubjectDistance', 37383: 'MeteringMode', 37384: 'LightSource', 37385: 'Flash', 37386: 'FocalLength', 37396: 'SubjectArea', 37500: 'MakerNote', 37510: 'UserComment', 37520: 'SubSec', 37521: 'SubSecTimeOriginal', 37522: 'SubsecTimeDigitized', 40960: 'FlashPixVersion', 40961: 'ColorSpace', 40962: 'PixelXDimension', 40963: 'PixelYDimension', 40964: 'RelatedSoundFile', 40965: 'InteroperabilityIFD', 41483: 'FlashEnergy', 41484: 'SpatialFrequencyResponse', 41486: 'FocalPlaneXResolution', 41487: 'FocalPlaneYResolution', 41488: 'FocalPlaneResolutionUnit', 41492: 'SubjectLocation', 41493: 'ExposureIndex', 41495: 'SensingMethod', 41728: 'FileSource', 41729: 'SceneType', 41730: 'CFAPattern', 41985: 'CustomRendered', 41986: 'ExposureMode', 41987: 'WhiteBalance', 41988: 'DigitalZoomRatio', 41989: 'FocalLengthIn35mmFilm', 41990: 'SceneCaptureType', 41991: 'GainControl', 41992: 'Contrast', 41993: 'Saturation', 41994: 'Sharpness', 41995: 'DeviceSettingDescription', 41996: 'SubjectDistanceRange', 42016: 'ImageUniqueID', 42032: 'CameraOwnerName', 42033: 'BodySerialNumber', 42034: 'LensSpecification', 42035: 'LensMake', 42036: 'LensModel', 42037: 'LensSerialNumber', 42240: 'Gamma', # Adobe DNG 50706: 'DNGVersion', 50707: 'DNGBackwardVersion', 50708: 'UniqueCameraModel', 50709: 'LocalizedCameraModel', 50710: 'CFAPlaneColor', 50711: 'CFALayout', 50712: 'LinearizationTable', 50713: 'BlackLevelRepeatDim', 50714: 'BlackLevel', 50715: 'BlackLevelDeltaH', 50716: 'BlackLevelDeltaV', 50717: 'WhiteLevel', 50718: 'DefaultScale', 50719: 'DefaultCropOrigin', 50720: 'DefaultCropSize', 50721: 'ColorMatrix1', 50722: 'ColorMatrix2', 50723: 'CameraCalibration1', 50724: 'CameraCalibration2', 50725: 'ReductionMatrix1', 50726: 'ReductionMatrix2', 50727: 'AnalogBalance', 50728: 'AsShotNeutral', 50729: 'AsShotWhiteXY', 50730: 'BaselineExposure', 50731: 'BaselineNoise', 50732: 'BaselineSharpness', 50733: 'BayerGreenSplit', 50734: 'LinearResponseLimit', 50735: 'CameraSerialNumber', 50736: 'LensInfo', 50737: 'ChromaBlurRadius', 50738: 'AntiAliasStrength', 50740: 'DNGPrivateData', 50778: 'CalibrationIlluminant1', 50779: 'CalibrationIlluminant2', } def _populate(): for k, v in TAGS_V2.items(): # Populate legacy structure. TAGS[k] = v[0] if len(v) == 4: for sk, sv in v[3].items(): TAGS[(k, sv)] = sk TAGS_V2[k] = TagInfo(k, *v) _populate() ## # Map type numbers to type names -- defined in ImageFileDirectory. TYPES = {} # was: # TYPES = { # 1: "byte", # 2: "ascii", # 3: "short", # 4: "long", # 5: "rational", # 6: "signed byte", # 7: "undefined", # 8: "signed short", # 9: "signed long", # 10: "signed rational", # 11: "float", # 12: "double", # } # # These tags are handled by default in libtiff, without # adding to the custom dictionary. From tif_dir.c, searching for # case TIFFTAG in the _TIFFVSetField function: # Line: item. # 148: case TIFFTAG_SUBFILETYPE: # 151: case TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH: # 154: case TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH: # 157: case TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE: # 181: case TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION: # 202: case TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC: # 205: case TIFFTAG_THRESHHOLDING: # 208: case TIFFTAG_FILLORDER: # 214: case TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION: # 221: case TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL: # 228: case TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP: # 238: case TIFFTAG_MINSAMPLEVALUE: # 241: case TIFFTAG_MAXSAMPLEVALUE: # 244: case TIFFTAG_SMINSAMPLEVALUE: # 247: case TIFFTAG_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE: # 250: case TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION: # 256: case TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION: # 262: case TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG: # 268: case TIFFTAG_XPOSITION: # 271: case TIFFTAG_YPOSITION: # 274: case TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT: # 280: case TIFFTAG_PAGENUMBER: # 284: case TIFFTAG_HALFTONEHINTS: # 288: case TIFFTAG_COLORMAP: # 294: case TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES: # 298: case TIFFTAG_MATTEING: # 305: case TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH: # 316: case TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH: # 327: case TIFFTAG_TILEDEPTH: # 333: case TIFFTAG_DATATYPE: # 344: case TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT: # 361: case TIFFTAG_IMAGEDEPTH: # 364: case TIFFTAG_SUBIFD: # 376: case TIFFTAG_YCBCRPOSITIONING: # 379: case TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING: # 383: case TIFFTAG_TRANSFERFUNCTION: # 389: case TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE: # 393: case TIFFTAG_INKNAMES: # some of these are not in our TAGS_V2 dict and were included from tiff.h LIBTIFF_CORE = set ([255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 262, 263, 266, 274, 277, 278, 280, 281, 340, 341, 282, 283, 284, 286, 287, 296, 297, 321, 320, 338, 32995, 322, 323, 32998, 32996, 339, 32997, 330, 531, 530, 301, 532, 333, # as above 269 # this has been in our tests forever, and works ]) LIBTIFF_CORE.remove(320) # Array of short, crashes LIBTIFF_CORE.remove(301) # Array of short, crashes LIBTIFF_CORE.remove(532) # Array of long, crashes LIBTIFF_CORE.remove(255) # We don't have support for subfiletypes LIBTIFF_CORE.remove(322) # We don't have support for tiled images in libtiff LIBTIFF_CORE.remove(323) # Tiled images LIBTIFF_CORE.remove(333) # Ink Names either # Note to advanced users: There may be combinations of these # parameters and values that when added properly, will work and # produce valid tiff images that may work in your application. # It is safe to add and remove tags from this set from Pillow's point # of view so long as you test against libtiff.